yoga for medical student wellbeing
yoga for medical student wellbeing
The aim of these university-credited courses is to explore the practice of yoga as a tool for enhanced mental and emotional wellbeing and personal development.
Previously offered at Queen Mary University London and currently offered at The University of Bristol in collaboration with The National Centre for Integrative Medicine, 2nd year students gain an overview of the historical, spiritual, philosophical and therapeutic aspects of the yoga tradition while learning about the scientific evidence basis supporting the practice.
In their 3rd year, students additionally explore the value and application of yoga as a tool for social change within education, healthcare and social care settings.
In 2025, the program will expand to The University of Glasgow and the The University of Nottingham.
Both programs have a powerful and proven track record of improving wellbeing and educating students on a holistic view of health. To date, over 600 students have taken part and 100% of students surveyed say that it has positively impacted them.
To bring them to your university or to find out more, download the info pack below.