Turn Fear Into Faith: Breath, Body & Meditation


Turn Fear Into Faith: Breath, Body & Meditation


We're not always aware that we're living in the grip of fear and yet for so many of us, it's woefully easy to be lead by it. Fear leads us to think small, doubt ourselves, expect the worst and close ourselves off to the beauty of life.

Because the key to living in a more open state is to teach the body how to do so, we'll use gentle breath work and physical cues to come into embodiment, down-regulate the nervous system and nourish a feeling of safety.

We'll then create compassionate connection with whatever is creating fear in us and invite a sense of curiosity so we can develop openness, self security, self trust and faith.

This is a deep, nourishing and expansive practice that is useful for anyone wanting to release from a feeling of mental, emotional, physical or spiritual closure or contraction.

Length: 35 mins

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